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Holland Stocklift sheep handler


  • What is a stocklift?
    A stocklift is a piece of farming equipment used to handle and restrain livestock in a safe and humane manner.
  • What is a sheep handler?
    A sheep handler is a piece of farm equipment made for the easy restraint of sheep. The Holland Stocklift can take up to 30 sheep at a time, allowing for sheep health management tasks to be completed in a safe and humane manner.
  • Is the Holland Stocklift portable?
    You can purchase our Holland Stocklift purpose built trailer to easily transport your stocklift from one location to another.
  • What are the benefits of a Holland Stocklift?
    The Holland Stocklift has the following benefits: Easily transported to any location Save time and money by improving efficiency Reduce risk of injury to farmers and stock Bring stock up to your waist height helping prevent back ache
  • What features are standard on a Holland Stocklift?
    The Holland Stocklift has the following standard features: Easy 12 v Hydraulic Lifting Shade-cloth and iron roof for protection from the sun Lifting Points to for crane loading and offloading Stainless steel cable full length of the machine to operate the lift Separate Stainless steel cable on which to hang chemical bag and equipment, full length of the machine
  • What extra features can I get on a Holland Stocklift?
    The following extra features can be added to your Holland Stocklift: Cradles (up to 4 per machine) Purpose built trailer for quick and easy transportation from stockyard to stockyard Solar panel Delivery
  • What sort of health management do I need with sheep?
    Some common tasks that may need to be performed on sheep are: Lamb Marking Jetting Tagging Weighing Vaccinating Crutching Trimming Feet Shearing Bleeding rams for blood samples
  • How do I restrain a goat?
    The Holland Stocklift has been designed for the easy restraint and handling of goats. It has been designed to handle up to 30 goats with ease, making all routine health management tasks safe and easy.
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